Saturday, January 23, 2010

New year, new me

Still on my path of discovery, me....I have slacked off, but back on track...the winters here are murder for me and despite all the vitamins I take, still fighting off the germs-(get back, get back I say, lol!!!)...anyhoo, back on track with kickboxing 3 days a week to start with in addition to my WII and the gym, should be right as rain eventually-(like yesterday)...missing my baby, but all is good!!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009


So, been feeling yucky and just generally down on myself, I'm down to a size 18-(YAY), but I seem to be stuck and unmotivated....The winter weather is here, I'm cooking tons of sweets in the kitchen, trying not to eat them, stick to my diet, go to class and I'm feeling overwhelmed....HELP!!!!!  Okay, now I feel better, lol, not really, but, I am going to start tomorrow with a bright smile, try to get all my goals accomplished, stick to it and stay on track...So, that's my life in a nutshell....Guess I should get "cracking" hahahaha, made myself laugh...Good night all....

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


I'm so happy Christmas is just around the corner.....I have some decorations up inside, now I have only the tree to finish and finishing the lights outside.  Then, I will be done!! On the diet front, not to bad considering the holiday.  The only thing I had a problem staying away from was the fresh bread, lol....The turkey and sides, not so much!!!  I'm down another clothing size, so all in all, GREAT!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Another day

Well, my knee is still giving me a little bit of grief, but the rest of my grief is based on personal issues that are side-tracking me.  I am smiling my way through it and trying to not let the stress of it get to me.  Weight wise, I am not sure how much I have lost, but I haven't gained, so that's something.  I will be weighing myself on Friday to find out and then I am going to start to keep track.  Anyway, I've been eating lots of stoneyfield yogurt when I get hungry because of the stress in my life, that is about all I can keep down. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Well, let's see, last Wed night, I slipped while walking in the rain.  I caught myself on my car door, but, unfortunately, I bumped my knee on my car door when I tried to catch hold of something to break my, how funny is that?!?!  I didn't think I did any damage, no bruises or anything, but, my knee was killing me the next day, so, I had to stay home and ice it all weekend.  No class for me...I am feeling better, so, I am going to re-dedicate my time and energy to feeling the burn...Hope everyone has a nice night...

Thursday, October 1, 2009


So, my Aunt Flo came to visit, explains alot, lol....I have been feeling poochy and just generally funky and I should have guessed....I'm feeling bloated, moody and restless and I think I'm in need of a chick-click, something funny to make me feel better....I still weigh 235, so will just chill out and re-focus!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ho-hum, another day.....yada, yada, yada.....

So, I weighed myself, still down from original starting place, but more than I like, 235lbs.  Still, I can't complain to much, especially as I've done nothing lately.  I have hit the gym off and on, but not on a daily basis like before.  I'm giving myself a little bit of a break, as I have been sick with some kind of flu bug, so, another couple of days and I should be right as rain.....